Barion Pixel

ATPP.WORLD Terms & Conditions

General terms and conditions

Terms of purchase, General Terms and Conditions (GTC) Introduction These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter GTC) contain the conditions for the use of the service available on the website (hereinafter: website) by the user/customer. The technical information required to use the website, which is not contained in these GTC, is provided by the information available on the website. By using the website, the User acknowledges and accepts the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

Service Provider and Operator: Ádám Tari (Individual Entrepreneur). Business number: 52707131; registered office: 3556 Kisgyőr, Akác út 18., Tax number: 69107193-1-25; email:

In addition, it is the owner of ATPP Sport Kft and ATPP FITT Kft, whose headquarters are also at: 3556 Kisgyőr, Akác út 18. (Company Tax Number: 27329771-1-05, 27439870-1-05) ;- which handles your personal data and pays special attention to data protection.

Basic provisions:

Questions not regulated in these Regulations, as well as the interpretation of these Regulations, are governed by Hungarian law, in particular Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code ("Ptk") and Act 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. CVIII of . (Elker. tv.) Act and 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business. (II. 26.) to the relevant provisions of Government Decree. The mandatory provisions of the relevant legislation apply to the parties without special stipulations.

These Regulations will remain in effect until revoked. The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally modify the Regulations. The Service Provider will publish the amendments on the website 11 (eleven) days before their entry into force. By using the website, users accept that all regulations related to the use of the website automatically apply to them.
If the User enters the website operated by the Service Provider or reads its content in any way - even if he is not a registered user of the website, he acknowledges that the provisions of the Regulations are binding on him. If the User does not accept the conditions, he is not entitled to view the content of the website.

The service provider reserves all rights regarding the website, any part of it and the content appearing on it, as well as the distribution of the website. The downloading, electronic storage, processing and sale of the contents appearing on the website or any part thereof is prohibited without the written consent of the Service Provider.


By purchasing/registering on the website, the user declares that he/she has read and accepts the terms of these Terms and Conditions and the Data Management Information published on the website, and consents to data management. During the purchase/registration, the user is obliged to provide his own real data. In case of untrue data provided during the purchase/registration or related to another person, the resulting electronic contract is null and void. The Service Provider excludes its responsibility if the User uses its services on behalf of another person, with the data of another person. The Service Provider shall not be held responsible for delivery delays or other problems or errors that can be traced back to wrongly and/or inaccurately provided data by the User. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for damages resulting from the User forgetting his or her password, or if it becomes accessible to unauthorized persons for any reason not attributable to the Service Provider. When registering on our website and/or application, the user is automatically added to our email list, from which you can unsubscribe at any time if you do not wish to receive letters from us.

Range of products and services available for purchase

The displayed products can only be ordered online. The prices displayed for the products are in AUD/EUR and include the statutory VAT. No separate packaging costs will be charged. In the webshop, the Service Provider displays the name and description of the product in detail, and displays photos of the products. If a promotional price is introduced, the Service Provider will fully inform Users about the promotion and its exact duration. If, despite all the care taken by the Service Provider, an incorrect price is displayed on the Web Store, especially with regard to the obviously incorrect, e.g. for a price of AUD/EUR "0" or AUD/EUR "1" that is significantly different from the well-known, generally accepted or estimated price of the product, or which may appear due to a system error, then the Service Provider is not obliged to deliver the product at the wrong price, but can offer delivery at the correct price, upon knowledge of which the Customer may abandon his intention to purchase. In the case of an incorrect price, there is a striking disparity in value between the real and stated price of the product, which an average consumer needs to notice immediately. Based on Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.), the contract is created by the mutual and unanimous expression of the will of the parties. If the parties cannot agree on the contractual terms, i.e. there is no declaration expressing the will of the parties mutually and unanimously, in that case we cannot speak of a validly concluded contract from which rights and obligations arise. Based on this, an order confirmed at an incorrect/wrong price is considered a void contract.

Order process and Payment:

After registration, the user logs into the webshop/or can start shopping without registration. User sets the number of products to be purchased. The user places the selected products in the basket. The user can view the contents of the basket at any time by clicking on the "basket" icon. If you don't want to buy an additional product, check the quantity of the product you want to buy. You can delete the contents of the basket by clicking the "delete - X" icon. To finalize the quantity, the User clicks on the "update/update cart" icon. The user selects the delivery address and then the delivery/payment method, the types of which are as follows:
Payment conditions: In our store, it is possible to pay by bank transfer and bank card for intellectual products, and for physical products, payment by bank transfer or cash on delivery is possible.

By bank transfer: The user must transfer the value of the ordered products to the bank account in the confirmation e-mail within 3 days. After the amount has been credited to the Service Provider's bank account, the User is entitled to receive the product(s) in the manner specified by him.

Modifying or canceling an order: Subsequent modifications or cancellation of an order can only be done in writing by e-mail. In this case, the customer must request the modification or cancellation of his/her order/purchase by email.
Prices: Our prices are the list prices valid at the time of the order, which can be found next to the products in the online store. The prices are gross prices and include the Hungarian 27% VAT.

Order processing: Orders are processed within 24-48 hours on working days.

Confirmation: We send an e-mail confirmation of every order. This means that after placing the order, you will receive an automatic e-mail about the receipt of the order and within 1-3 working days from the order, we will send the chosen program to the same e-mail address you provided, and the physical products to the address you provided.

If there is an error or deficiency in the products or prices in the webshop, we reserve the right to make corrections. In such a case, we inform the customer of the new data immediately after the error is recognized or modified. After that, the user can confirm the order once more or withdraw from the contract.
The final amount to be paid includes all costs based on the summary of the order and the confirmation letter. The invoice (and, if it belongs to the product, the warranty card) is included in the package. The user is obliged to inspect the package in front of the courier upon delivery, and in case of any damage to the products or packaging, he is obliged to request a report, in case of damage, he is not obliged to accept the package. The Service Provider does not accept subsequent complaints without a protocol! Packages are delivered on working days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

After entering the data, the User can send his order by clicking on the "Send order" button, but before that, he can check the entered data one more time, send a comment with his order, or send us an e-mail of any other order-related wishes. With the order, the user acknowledges that he is obligated to pay.

Correction of data entry errors: Before closing the order process, the user can always go back to the previous phase, where he can correct the entered data. In detail: During the order, it is possible to view and modify the contents of the basket, if the basket does not contain the quantity to be ordered, the User can enter the number of the quantity to be ordered in the data entry field in the quantity column, and then press "update/update basket ” button. If the User wishes to delete the products in the basket, click the "X" "delete" button. During the order, the User always has the opportunity to correct/delete the entered data.
The user will receive a confirmation by e-mail after sending the order. If this confirmation is not received by the User within the expected deadline depending on the nature of the service, but no later than 48 hours after the User's order has been sent, the User shall be released from the binding offer or contractual obligation. The order and its confirmation shall be deemed to have been received by the Service Provider or the User when it becomes available to him. The Service Provider excludes its responsibility for confirmation if the confirmation is not received on time because the User entered the wrong e-mail address during registration, or because the storage space belonging to the account is full, the User is unable to receive messages.

The user acknowledges that the confirmation described in the previous point is only an automatic confirmation and does not create a contract. The contract is created when the Service Provider notifies the User in a new e-mail about the details of the order and its expected fulfillment after the automatic confirmation mentioned in the previous point.

Processing and fulfillment of orders

Orders are processed during business hours (Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). It is also possible to place the order outside of the times marked as processing the order, if it is done after the end of working hours, it will be processed the following day. The service provider's customer service will always confirm electronically when it can fulfill your order. General deadline, within 1-3 working days from the conclusion of the contract.

Based on the sales contract, the Service Provider is obliged to transfer the ownership of the item, and the User is obliged to pay the purchase price and take delivery of the item.

If the seller is a business and the buyer is a consumer, and the seller undertakes to deliver the item to the buyer, the risk of damage passes to the buyer when the buyer or a third party designated by him takes possession of the item. The risk of damage is transferred to the buyer upon handover to the carrier, if the carrier was commissioned by the buyer, provided that the carrier was not recommended by the seller.
If the seller is a business and the buyer is a consumer, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the seller (according to these GTC: Service Provider) is obliged to make the item available to the buyer (User) without delay, but no later than thirty days after the conclusion of the contract. In case of delay by the Service Provider, the User is entitled to set an additional deadline. If the seller does not perform within the additional deadline, the buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract.

The User is entitled to withdraw from the contract without setting an additional deadline if
a) the Service Provider refused to perform the contract; obsession
b) according to the agreement of the parties or due to the recognizable purpose of the service, the contract should have been performed at the specified performance time - and not at any other time.

If the Service Provider does not fulfill its obligations under the contract because the product specified in the contract is not available, it is obliged to inform the User immediately and refund the amount paid by the User without delay

Right of withdrawal: Buyers have a 14-day right of withdrawal from PHYSICAL products (Ex: shaker, exercise equipment), but the prices of written and sent DIGITAL products (Personalized Programs) are non-refundable!

Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, as well as Regulation 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between consumers and businesses. (II.26.) Pursuant to the regulation of the Government Decree, the Consumer may withdraw from the contract without giving reasons within 14 days of receiving the ordered product, and may return the ordered product. The Consumer can exercise his right of withdrawal with a clear statement to this effect, or pursuant to Art. 45/2014. (II.26.) by means of a declaration model specified in Annex 2 of the Government Decree. The period open for exercising the right of withdrawal expires 14 days after the day on which the Consumer, or a third party indicated by him, other than the carrier, receives the product. The consumer can also exercise his right of withdrawal in the period between the date of conclusion of the contract and the day of receipt of the product. The cost of returning the product must be borne by the consumer, the company did not undertake to bear this cost. In the case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Consumer will not be charged any costs other than the cost of returning the product.

The Consumer is not entitled to the right of withdrawal in the case of a non-pre-manufactured product that was produced based on the consumer's instructions or at his express request, or in the case of a product that was clearly tailored to the consumer.

The consumer may also not exercise his right of withdrawal in the case of a contract for the provision of a service after the completion of the service as a whole, if the business began the performance with the express, prior consent of the consumer, and the consumer has acknowledged that he will lose his right to cancel after the completion of the service as a whole;
with regard to a product or service, the price or fee of which depends on the possible fluctuation of the money market, which cannot be influenced by the company, even during the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal; regarding a perishable product or a product that retains its quality for a short time; with regard to a product with closed packaging, which cannot be returned after being opened after delivery for reasons of health protection or hygiene; with regard to a product which, due to its nature, is inseparably mixed with another product after delivery; with regard to an alcoholic beverage, the actual value of which depends on market fluctuations in a manner beyond the company's control, and the price of which was agreed upon by the parties when concluding the sales contract, but the performance of the contract only takes place after the thirtieth day from the conclusion of the contract; in the case of a business contract in which the business visits the consumer at the express request of the consumer in order to carry out urgent repair or maintenance work;
with regard to the sale and purchase of audio and video recordings in sealed packaging, as well as copies of computer software, if the consumer has opened the packaging after delivery; with regard to newspapers, magazines and periodicals, with the exception of subscription contracts; in the case of contracts concluded at a public auction; with the exception of housing services, in the case of a contract for the provision of accommodation, transport, car rental, catering or a service related to leisure activities, if a deadline or deadline for performance defined in the contract has been agreed; with regard to digital data content provided on a non-physical data carrier, if the business has started performance with the express, prior consent of the consumer, and the consumer has simultaneously declared with this consent that he/she will lose his/her right of withdrawal after the start of performance.

Following the return of the product/or the receipt of the cancellation statement, the Service Provider will refund the amount paid to the Consumer, including the delivery fee, immediately, but no later than within 14 days of learning about the cancellation, in accordance with the above legislation.

During the refund, we use the same payment method as the payment method used during the original transaction, unless the Consumer expressly consents to the use of another payment method; due to the application of this refund method, the Consumer will not be charged any additional costs. The consumer is obliged to return the goods without undue delay, but in no case later than 14 days from the date of sending the notice of withdrawal from the contract to the Service Provider, or deliver them to the Service Provider's address. In the case of written cancellation, the consumer must send the cancellation statement within 14 days.
The consumer complies with the deadline if he returns or hands over the product(s) before the end of the 14-day period. The return is deemed completed within the deadline if the consumer sends the product before the deadline. The consumer bears only the direct cost of returning the product, unless the company has undertaken to bear this cost.

The Service Provider is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for the additional costs resulting from the choice of a delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Service Provider. The Service Provider may withhold the refund until the goods(s) have been returned, or the Consumer has not provided proof that they have been returned: the earlier of the two dates shall be taken into account.

If the Consumer wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal, he can indicate this at one of the Service Provider's contacts. In the event of a written notification by post, we take into account the date of posting. In case of notification by post, the Service Provider accepts notification as registered mail or package. You can return the ordered product to the Consumer Service Provider by post or using a courier service.
The consumer is only responsible for depreciation resulting from use that exceeds the use necessary to determine the nature, properties and operation of the product. 45/2014 on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business. (II.26.) Government decree is available here. Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council is available here. The consumer can also contact the Service Provider with other complaints at the contact details provided in these Regulations. The right of withdrawal applies only to Users who qualify as consumers according to the Civil Code. The right of withdrawal does not belong to the company, i.e. a person who acts in the scope of his profession, independent occupation or business activity.

The procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal:

If the Consumer wishes to use the right of withdrawal, he must indicate his intention to withdraw via the contact details of the Service Provider. The consumer exercises his right of withdrawal within the deadline if he sends his withdrawal statement before the end of the 14th day from the receipt of the product. In case of cancellation in writing, it is enough to send the cancellation statement within 14 days. In the case of notification by post, the date of mailing is taken into account, in the case of notification by email, the time of sending the email. In case of cancellation, the Consumer is obliged to return the ordered product to the address of the Service Provider without delay, but no later than within 14 days from the date of communication of the cancellation statement. The deadline is considered met if you send the product before the 14-day deadline (so it does not have to arrive within 14 days). The customer bears the costs incurred in connection with the return of the goods due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal. However, the Service Provider is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for the additional costs resulting from the choice of a delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Service Provider. The Consumer also exercises his right of withdrawal in the period between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.